SIMS Promoting School Timetable in the Summer Term
What is it?
The SIMS Promoting School Timetable in the Summer Term Service is designed to assist schools who want to promote student records in SIMS into the following year's classes before September. This will allow your students to experience next year's subjects and classes, and your teachers to experience next year's timetable before the start of the new term.
Why do I need it?
The Department for Education (DfE) advises that the academic year should not be started until after July, so this service ensures that schools are operating within this guidance when dealing with an early start to the academic year.
What are the benefits?
The consultancy ensures that your school:
- Promotes students in SIMS into the following year's classes, whilst keeping within DfE guidance.
- Saves time with this complex annual process, during a very busy time in the academic calendar, by timely completion of the process well in advance.
- Ensures students are allocated correctly to academic classes for the June/July period of the year.
- Saves on cost of administration time.
- Student and staff confidence in the new academic year timetable model.
- If you are new to school, you can be confident that the correct procedures are followed.
What is included?
A SIMS consultant will remote onto your SIMS and assist you with:
- Preparing the timetable file created by school for the June/July period for the transfer to SIMS.
- Transferring the timetable and cycle to SIMS for the June/July period.
- Defining a named date-range in Academic Management and assign students to the relevant bands and classes for the June/July period.
- Printing timetables/class lists for the June/July period.
- Advice on the process for transferring the new timetable for September into SIMS.
- Advice on the Academic Management promotion for assigning students to relevant bands and classes for September.
What is excluded?
- Timetable creation and timetable changes outside of preparing the timetable file for transfer to SIMS.
- Creation of the new academic year and pastoral structure in SIMS.
- Changes to the existing pastoral structure.
- Updates to Course Manager including course start/end dates.
- Following sign-off of the service, no further amendments or support for the Promoting School Timetable in the Summer Term process is included. Further issues or queries should be logged with our ICT Service Centre via our My ICT Incidents online reporting form or via telephone 0300 123 6797 (option 3).
What does it cost?
Log-in to find out information on our pricing.
Additional information
Is there anything I need in place before I can use this service?
Yes, in order to utilise this service, the school will need to have SIMS operational on a SIMS server hosted within the school.
- If your school uses Profiles Reporting, then you must ensure that any reporting sessions end before the start date of the June/July timetable.
- You should be aware that if any students start Post-16 courses early, then this can have an effect on the funding and success rate of the school's learning aims.
- Promoting the school timetable early may affect the ability to use the curriculum promotion routines in the next academic year.
The following will need to be available on the day of the consultation:
- Access to SIMS and Nova T6.
- List of the active date-range for the June/July timetable.
- List of manual student allocations/class lists for the June/July period.
How many consultancy hours are included as part of this service?
This is dependent on the school's requirements. A no obligation quote for costs and timescale for delivery are provided following an initial consultation. All SIMS consultancies are subject to SIMS consultant availability.
Are training services also available?
No, this is a consultancy-based service only.
How do I book this consultancy?
Please contact EducationDigitalServices@lancashire.gov.uk to arrange a booking.