2025/2026 Service Definition

SIMS Consultancy

About the Service

Our SIMS Consultancy service offers schools the option of specialist consultancy for SIMS or Finance 6. Available to all schools, with options for on-site or remote sessions. Please see below for our full list of our SIMS Consultancies.

Consultancy Services Available

What are the benefits?

  • Unlock your school’s potential with SIMS Consultancy!
  • Customised support: Tailored advice and guidance for your school’s unique needs
  • Expert consultants: Our seasoned SIMS experts can assist you year-round, whether it is setting up your new academic year in SIMS or creating your school's timetable
  • New option: Introducing new consultancies to support SIMS Next Gen users
  • Maximise SIMS: Whether optimising your data; enhancing SIMS capabilities and helping you in your role, we’ve got you covered!

Get started today and empower your staff with top-notch support!

What's Included?

The SIMS Consultancy Service is charged on an hourly basis. We will provide a quote for the service following the initial telephone consultation to establish your school's requirements.

Service Features

Feature Description

Initial Consultation

For complex consultancies, we provide an initial telephone or MS Teams consultation to assess your school's business requirements, prior to providing you with a no obligation quote.

Consultancy Sessions

Our consultancy sessions are provided by one of our SIMS specialist consultants. Sessions are face-to-face or remote using MS Teams (as agreed in your quote).

Additional Information

Are there any prerequisites?

Yes, your school will need SIMS or FMS6 operational on a SIMS server hosted in school. We also assist schools using SIMS connected or SIMS Next Gen.

How many consultancy hours will I need?

The hours required will depend on your school’s needs. After an initial consultation, we will provide a quote with costs and delivery timescales.

Is training available for staff on how to use SIMS?

Our team of SIMS specialists also offer SIMS training courses to all schools, including those outside Lancashire.

Visit our SIMS Training page to view and book a course or contact us at EducationDigitalServices@lancashire.gov.uk for details.